Friday, February 10, 2012

haruki murakami writes very intriguing novels

since today is friday i wanted to look all fancy and business-like as one on-looker said and cool and i-can-wear-a-blazer-better-than-you-with-your-constricting-skirts (i'm not passive aggressive...).
i really liked the t-shirt i wore (i wish you could see it better) because i got it at UNIQLO in new york city when i visited there, in the men's section because i was bored and my dad was there. the shirt was collaborated with the japanese film, Norwegian Wood (a super tragic love story i think; i need to watch it) based off of murakami's novel (which i need to read...somewhere in my bookshelf).
yeah. anyways i found out how to keep my photos from looking super orange. it's called saturation!!!!! please don't shake your head at my lack of photoshopping expertise.

hey look maybe i should get my hair cut like this (i like it!)

even if my hair changes, my face will stay the same.

i made this necklace out of that string you used to tie turkey legs up with before baking them and a very attractive bracelet that broke.

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